
Solidificação: Fundamentos e Aplicações


Autor: Amauri Garcia.
Editora: Editora da UNICAMP - 2ª Edição - 2007 
Endereço: Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz" - Barão Geraldo, Campinas-SP - CEP: 13083-970
Tel: (19) 3788-1015 Fax: (19) 3788-1100
Resumo: Este livro é dirigido principalmente aos estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica (modalidade Materiais e Processos de Fabricação), Engenharia de Materiais e Engenharia Metalúrgica, cursos de especialização em Fundição e Lingotamento, além de servir de consulta a profissionais atuantes nas indústrias de Fundição e Siderúrgicas.


Ensaio dos Materiais


Autores: Amauri Garcia, Jaime Alvares Spim, Carlos Alexandre dos Santos.
Editora: LTC - Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora S.A. - 2ª Edição - 2012
Endereço: Travessa do Ouvidor, 11. Rio de Janeiro-RJ - CEP: 20040-040
Tel: (21) 221-9621 Fax: (21) 221-3202 
Resumo: O texto objetiva essencialmente atender o ensino de graduação dos cursos de Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, mas a forma na qual seu conteúdo é apresentado e seu inerente caráter tecnológico o tornam também aplicável em cursos de extensão universitária dessas engenharias, bem como em cursos técnicos gerais de Mecânica, Metalurgia/Materiais e em cursos específicos de Controle de Qualidade.


Lingotamento Contínuo de Aços


Autores: Amauri Garcia, Jaime Alvares Spim, Carlos Alexandre dos Santos, Noé Cheung.
Editora: Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais - 2006
Endereço: Rua Antonio Comparato, 218 - Campo Belo São Paulo-SP - CEP: 04605-030
Tel: (11) 5536-4333 Fax (11) 5044-4273
Resumo: O texto é dirigido principalmente aos estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação em Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, Engenharia Mecânica (modalidade: Materiais e Processos de Fabricação), cursos de especialização e treinamento em lingotamento contínuo, e a profissionais atuantes nas indústrias de Fundição e Siderúrgicas.



Capítulos de Livros

Book cover 05

Tìtulo: On the Determination of Molar Heat Capacity of Transition Elements: From the Absolute Zero to the Melting Point
Autores: Ivaldo Leão Ferreira, José Adilson de Castro e Amauri Garcia 
Editora: IntechOpen - 2021
Endereço: London, UK
Abstract: Molar specific heat is one of the most important thermophysical properties to determine the sensible heat, heat of transformation, enthalpy, entropy, thermal conductivity, and many other physical properties present in several fields of physics, chemistry, materials science, metallurgy, and engineering. Recently, a model was proposed to calculate the Density of State by limiting the total number of modes by solid–liquid and solid–solid phase nucleation and by the entropy associated with phase transition. In this model, the new formulation of Debye’s equation encompasses the phonic, electronic, and rotational energies contributions to the molar heat capacity of the solids. Anomalies observed in the molar specific heat capacity, such as thermal, magnetic, configurational transitions, and electronic, can be treated by their transitional entropies. Model predictions are compared with experimental scatter for transitional elements.


Tìtulo: Dependence of Surface Tension and Viscosity on Temperature in Multicomponent Alloys
Autores: Ivaldo Leão Ferreira, José Adilson de Castro e Amauri Garcia 
Editora: IntechOpen - 2019
Endereço: London, UK
Abstract: Viscosity modeling for pure metals and alloys is widely studied, and many solutions for dependence of viscosity on temperature can be found in the literature for pure metals and alloys. Many of these depend on experimental data for pre-exponential and exponential coefficients. Two key models include: (i) Kaptay model for pure metals, which is completely independent of experimental data and depends only on general constants A and B for a large set of pure metals with few exceptions and (ii) Kaptay viscosity model for liquid alloys derived on the same principles, a temperature-dependent viscosity only as a function of thermophysical properties of the alloy components. In the case of surface tension, the main available models are divided into four groups: Butler formulation-based models, density-functional models, semi-empirical models, and thermodynamic geometric models. Considering the absence of adequate models for surface tension, in this work, two equations relating surface tension and viscosity for pure metals are analyzed as a function of temperature. Regarding the Egry surface tension-viscosity relation for pure metals, a new relation equation for multicomponent alloys is proposed. By applying the proposed equation, the surface tension is calculated and plotted as a function of temperature for ternary and quaternary aluminum alloys.


Tìtulo: Hypoeutectic Al Fe Alloys: Formation and Characterization of Intermetallics by Dissolution of the Al Matrix
Autores: Amauri Garcia, Pedro R. Goulart, Felipe Bertelli, José E. Spinelli, Noé Cheung
Editora: CRC Press - 2018
Endereço: Boca Ranto, USA
Abstract: A careful technique of dissolution of the Al-rich phase is conducted in hypoeutectic Al–Fe alloys samples, which were solidified under a wide range of cooling rates envisaging deeper investigations on the skeletal arrangement of either Al6Fe intermetallic fibers or Al3Fe plates, and their dependence on solidification thermal parameters. The experiments were carried out with hypoeutectic Al–Fe alloys, subjected to equilibrium solidification from the melt, steady-state solidification (Bridgman growth), transient directional solidification in water-cooled and air-cooled molds and rapid solidification (laser remelting), thus permitting a significant range of microstructural scales to be examined. It is shown that Al6Fe prevails for cooling rates >1.5 K/s, and that a short zone of coexistence of Al3Fe and Al6Fe phases exists for cooling rates <1.5 K/s, which is rapidly replaced with the prevalence of Al3Fe intermetallics with further decrease in cooling rate. In contrast, even with high values of cooling rate, typical of the laser remelting process, the Al–Al3Fe eutectic is shown to prevail.


Tìtulo: Primary Dendrite ARM Spacing Effects upon Mechanical Properties of an AL 3Wt%CU 1Wt%LI Alloy
Autores: Givanildo A. dos Santos, Pedro R. Goulart, Antônio A. Couto, Amauri Garcia
Editora: Springer - 2017
Endereço: Singapore
Abstract: The imposition of a wide range of operational conditions in foundry and castings processes generates, as a direct consequence, a diversity of solidification structures. It is well known that mechanical properties depend on solidification structures. The literature presents relationships between yield strength and grain size, such as the Hall-Petch’s equation, or ultimate tensile strength and dendrite arm spacing. In this work, an Al–3wt%Cu–1wt%Li alloy was solidified under upward unsteady state heat flow conditions. Heat was directionally extracted only through a water-cooled bottom made of steel (SAE 1020). The aim of the present study is to obtain correlations between the as-cast microstructure, solidification thermal variables and mechanical properties of an Al–3wt%Cu–1wt%Li alloy casting. The results include tip growth rate (V L ), cooling rate (T), primary dendrite arm spacing (λ 1), ultimate tensile strength (σUTS) and yield strength (σ y) as a function of solidification conditions imposed by the metal/mold system. It is found that the primary dendrite arm spacing decreases with the increase in tip growth rate and cooling rate. In both cases (σUTS and σy = 0.2 %ε), the finer dendritic arrangement presents superior mechanical properties.


Tìtulo: Numerical simulation and microstructural investigation of an aluminum-copper alloy processed by laser surface remelting
Autores: Noé Cheung, Maria A. Pinto, Maria C. F. Ierardi, Amauri Garcia
Editora: WIT Press - 2003
Endereço: Southampton - UK
Abstract: The aim of this work is to develop a mathematical model based on the finite difference method in order to simulate the remelting process. Good agreement between numerical and experimental results was obtained in the delimitation of the remelted zone. The work also concerns the analysis of the microstructural and hardness variations throughout samples of an aluminum-copper alloys (Al- 15 wt pct Cu) submitted to a laser surface remelting treatment. The specimens were examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Microhardness measurements were carried out on the transverse section for the resolidified and unmolten regions.


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