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1. ROCHA, R.C.; EWALD, E.; REZENDE, A.B.; FONSECA, S.T.; MEI, P.R. Using a twin disc for applications in the railway: a systematic review. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 45, 191 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-023-04104-1 Visualizar
2. DE CARVALHO, A.C.; REZENDE, A.B. FERNANDES, F.M; MIRANDA, R.S; JUN KINA, E.; COUSSEAU, T.; MEI, P.R. Effect of grease viscosity and thickener on the wear resistance of a class D railway wheel. WEAR, v. 530-531, p. 205071, 2023.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2023.205071 Visualizar
3. EWALD, E; ROCHA, R.C.; FONSECA, S.T.; REZENDE, A.B.; SCANDIAN, C.; MEI, P.R. Development of a heating system and the effect of temperature in the twin disc test. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 45, 471 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-023-04403-7 Visualizar
- MIRANDA, R.S.; REZENDE, A.B.; FONSECA, S.T.; FERNANDES, F.M.; SINATORA, A.; MEI, P.R. Fatigue and wear behavior of pearlitic and bainitic microstructures with the same chemical composition and hardness using twin-disc tests, WEAR, v. 204253, p. 494–495. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2022.204253
Visualizar - LUCCIDI, Y., REZENDE, A. B., FONSECA, S. T., and MEI, P. R. Study of the Running-In Period in the Twin-Disc Wear Test Using Steel From a Class C Forged Railway Wheel. ASME. J. Tribol. November 2022; 144(11): 114501. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4054758
Visualizar - PEREIRA, H. B. et al. Influence of the microstructure on the rolling contact fatigue of rail steel: Spheroidized pearlite and fully pearlitic microstructure analysis. Wear, v. 498–499, n. January, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2022.204299
Visualizar - MEI, P. R. Effects of niobium microaddition on carbon steels. Defect and Diffusion Forum, v. 420, p 101-117, 2022, ISBN(softcover): 978-3-0364-0082-2 ISBN(eBook): 978-3-0364-1082-1.
- MIRANDA, R.S.; REZENDE, A.B.; FONSECA, S.T.; FERNANDES, F.M.; SINATORA, A.; MEI, P.R. Fatigue and wear behavior of pearlitic and bainitic microstructures with the same chemical composition and hardness using twin-disc tests, WEAR, v. 204253, p. 494–495. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2022.204253
- REZENDE, A.B.; FERNANDES, F.M.; FONSECA, S.T.; FARINA, P.F.S.; GOLDENSTEIN, H.; MEI, P. R.. Effect of niobium and molybdenum addition on the wear resistance and the rolling contact fatigue of railway wheels. WEAR, v. 456, p. 203377, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2020.203571
- STREY, N.F. ; REZENDE, A.B. ; MIRANDA, R.S. ; FONSECA, S.T. ; Mei, P.R. ; SCANDIAN, C. . Comparison of rolling contact fatigue damage between railway wheels and twin-disc test specimens. TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2021.107037
- MINICUCCI, DOMINGOS JOSÉ ; BOAS, RENATO LYRA VILLAS ; QUINTINO, MÁRCIO ; FONSECA, SOLANGE TAMARA ; RESENDE, ANDREI BAVARESCO ; Mei, Paulo Roberto . Tempered Bainite and Martensite Embrittlement in Microalloyed Steel for Forged Railroad Wheel to Heavy Haul Application. Materials Research-Ibero-american Journal of Materials, v. 24, p. 1-11, 2021.
REZENDE, A.B.; FERNANDES, F.M.; FONSECA, S.T.; FARINA, P.F.S.; GOLDENSTEIN, H.; MEI, P. R.. Effect of Alloy Elements in Time Temperature Transformation Diagrams of Railway Wheels. DEFECT AND DIFFUSION FORUM, v. 400, p. 11-20, 2020.
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MINICUCCI, D. J., FONSECA, S. T., BOAS, R. L. V., GOLDENSTEIN, H., MEI, P. R. Development of Niobium Microalloyed Steel for Railway Wheel with Pearlitic Bainitic Microstructure. Materials Research, 22(6), e20190324. Epub January 24, 2020. .https://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-5373-mr-2019-0324.
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REZENDE, A.B.; DA FONSECA, S.T.; FERNANDES, F.M.; MIRANDA, R.S.; GRIJALBA, F.A.F.; FARINA, P.F.S.; MEI, P.R.. Wear behavior of bainitic and pearlitic microstructures from microalloyed railway wheel steel. WEAR, v. 456, p. 203377, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2020.203377
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ReEZENDE, A. B.; FONSECA, S. T.; MINICUCCI, D. J.; FERNANDES, F. M.; FARINA, P. Fe. S.; MEI, P. R. Residual Stress Characterization by X-Ray Diffraction and Correlation with Hardness in a Class D Railroad Wheel. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, v. 29, p. 1-5, 2020.
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OLIVEIRA, C. R., LOPES, E. M., FONSECA, S. T., MARTINS, M., ÁVILA, J. A. D., MEI, P. R. Effect of Post-Weld Heat Treatment on Hardness in Superduplex Stainless Steel ASTM A890/A890M - Grade 6A. Materials Science Forum, 1012, 296–301, 2020. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.1012.296
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FONSECA, S. T. (FONSECA, Solange Tamara) ; REZENDE, A.B. ; OLIVEIRA, C. R. ; MINICUCCI, DOMINGOS ; MEI, P. R. . Physical Simulation as a Tool to Evaluate the complex Microstructure of Microalloyed Railroad Wheels. Journal of Materials, Processing and Design, v. 1, p. 20-35, 2020. DOI: 10.23977/jmpd.2020.040103
A. B. Rezende, G. A. Amorim, D. J. Minicucci, S. T. Fonseca, P. R. Mei. ., "Effect of Vanadium Addition on the Surface Roughness and Fatigue Crack Propagation in a Railroad Wheel Using Twin Disc Wear Test", Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vol. 391, pp. 66-73, 2019 https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.391.66
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ESCOBAR, J.D. ; OLIVEIRA, J.P. ; SALVADOR, C.A.F. ; TSCHIPTSCHIN, A. ; Mei, P.R. ; RAMIREZ, A.J. . Double-step inter-critical tempering of a supermartensitic stainless steel: Evolution of hardness, microstructure and elemental partitioning. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, v. 1, p. 109994, 2019.
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OLIVEIRA, C. R. ; MAIA, ELOÁ LOPES ; FONSECA, SOLANGE TAMARA ; MARTINS, M. ; ÁVILA, JULIÁN A. ; Mei, Paulo Roberto . Microstructural Evolution Due to One Thermal Cycle in a Superduplex Stainless Steel ASTM A890/A890M - Grade 6A in the As-Weld and Post-Weld Heat Treatment Conditions. MATERIALS RESEARCH, v. 22, p. 1-6, 2019.
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ESCOBAR, J.D. ; FARIA, G.A. ; MAIA, E.L. ; OLIVEIRA, J.P. ; BOLL, T. ; SEILS, S. ; Mei, P.R. ; RAMIREZ, A.J. . Fundamentals of isothermal austenite reversion in a Ti-stabilized 12Cr - 6 Ni - 2 Mo super martensitic stainless steel: Thermodynamics versus experimental assessments. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 174, p. 246-259, 2019.
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AURICCHIO, MAYARA MARIA BELTANI ; Mei, Paulo Roberto ; BAGNATO, OSMAR ROBERTO . Soldering of silicon to Invar for double-crystal monochromators. JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION, v. 26, p. 1-6, 2019.
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ANTUNES, L.H.M.; HOYOS, J.J.; FONSECA, E.B.; BÉRES, M.; DA SILVA FARINA, P.F.; LOPES, E.S.N.; JARDINI, A.L.; FILHO, R. MACIEL. Effect of phase transformation on ductility of additively manufactured Co-28Cr-6Mo alloy: An in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study during mechanical testing. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, v. 764, p. 138262, 2019. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2019.138262.
J. D. ESCOBAR, J. D. POPLAWSKY, G. A. FARIA, J. RODRIGUEZ, J. P. OLIVEIRA, C.A.F. SALVADOR, P. R. MEI, S.S. BABU, A. J. RAMIREZ. Compositional analysis on the reverted austenite and tempered martensite in a Ti-stabilized supermartensitic stainless steel: segregation, partitioning and carbide precipitation. Materials & Design. On-line: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2017.11.055, Print: v. 140, 2018, p. 95–105.
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Julian Escobar Atehortua, João P. Oliveira, Camilo Salvador, Guilherme A. Faria, Jonathan D. Poplawsky, Johnnatan F. Rodriguez, Paulo R. Mei, Sudarsanam S. Babu, Antonio J. Ramirez. Meta-equilibrium transition microstructure for maximum austenite stability and minimum hardness in a Ti-stabilized supermartensitic stainless steel. Materials & Design. v. 156, 15 October 2018, p. 609-621.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2018.07.018
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Julian Avila, Antonio J. Ramirez, Barbara Cunha, Haroldo Cavalcanti Pinto, Johnnatan Rodriguez, Julian Escobar, Paulo Mei, William Magalhães. Physical simulation as a tool to understand friction stir processed X80 pipeline steel plate complex microstructures. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. On-line: Sept. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2018.09.009
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Marques, F.C., Cortes, A.D.S. & Mei, P.R. Silicon (2018). Solar Cells Fabricated in Upgraded Metallurgical Silicon, Obtained Through Vacuum Degassing and Czochralski Growth. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-018-9860-x, on line, 7 p. Printed version: February 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp 77–83| Marques, F.C., Cortes, A.D.S. & Mei, P.R. Silicon (2019) 11: 77.
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M. M. B. Auricchio, Bagnato, O. R. and Mei, P. R. "Welding of Silicon to Invar for Application in Synchrotron Light Instrumentation", Defect and Diffusion Forum, v. 389, p. 176-182, 2018. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.389.176
S. B. Gabriel, G. F. Santos, A. da S. Siqueira de Novais, R. P. de S. Lamarca, C. A. Nunes, P. Mei, I. dos Santos, L. S. Araújo, L. H. de Almeida, "Eletrochemical Behavior of Hot Swaged and Aged Ti-12Mo-13Nb Alloy", Materials Science Forum, v. 899, p. 295-298, 2017. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.899.295.
- J. D. ESCOBAR, G. A. FARIA, L. WU, J. P. OLIVEIRA, P. R. MEI, A. J. RAMIREZ. Austenite reversion kinetics and stability during tempering of a Ti-stabilized supermartensitic stainless steel: Correlative in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction and dilatometry. Acta Materilalia, v. 138, 1 October 2017, p. 92-99, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2017.07.036.
- NUNES, ALINE RAQUEL VIEIRA, GABRIEL, SINARA BORBOREMA, NUNES, CARLOS ANGELO, ARAÚJO, LEONARDO SALES, BALDAN, RENATO, MEI, PAULO, MALET, LOÏC, DILLE, JEAN, & ALMEIDA, LUIZ HENRIQUE DE. Microstructure and Mechanical Propertiesof Ti-12Mo-8Nb Alloy Hot Swaged and Treated for Orthopedic Applications. Mat. Res., São Carlos, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-5373-mr-2017-0637.
- JULIAN AVILA DIAZ, ENRICO LUCON, JEFFREY SOWARDS, PAULO ROBERTO MEI, ANTONIO J. RAMIREZ. Assessment of ductile-to-brittle transition behavior of localized microstructural Charpy V-Notch testing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, v. 47, issue 6, p 2855 - 2865, 2016, doi: 10.1007/s11661-016-3473-z.
- SOLANGE TAMARA DA FONSECA, AMILTON SINATORA, ANTONIO J. RRAMIREZ, DOMINGOS MINICCUCI E PAULO ROBERTO MEI. Effects of Vanadium on the Continuous Cooling Transformation of 0.7 %C Steel for Railway Wheels. Defect and Diffusion Forum Online: 2016-04-28 ISSN: 1662-9507, Vol. 367, pp 60-67, 2016 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.367.60.
- AVILA, JULIAN; RODRIGUEZ, JOHNNATAN; MEI, PAULO ROBERTO; RAMIREZ, ANTONIO Microstructure and fracture toughness of multipass friction stir welded joints of API-5L-X80 steel plates. Physica B - Condensed Matter, August 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2016.07.019.
- ÁVILA, J. A. LIMA, V. RUCHERT, C. O. F. T. MEI, P. R. RAMIREZ, A. J. "Guide for Recommended Practices to Perform Crack Tip Opening DisplacementTests in High Strength Low Alloy Steels". Soldagem & Inspeção. 2016;21(3):290-302. DOI: 10.1590/0104-9224/SI2103.05.
- GABRIEL, S. B., DILLE, J., NUNES, C. A., EMANUEL SANTOS JUNIOR, RENATO BALDAN, PAULO MEI, MONICA CASTRO REZENDE, LEONARDO SALES ARAUJO, LUIZ HENRIQUE DE ALMEIDA, Effect of Hot Swaging on Microstructure and Properties of Aged Ti-10Mo-20Nb Alloy. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 869, pp. 952-956, 2016, 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.869.952.
- THEODORO, M. C.; PEREIRA, V. F.; MEI, P. R.; RAMIREZ A. J. "Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding Between UNS S31603 Austenitic Stainless Steel and UNS S32750 Superduplex Stainless Steel." Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B. February 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s11663-015-0302-5.
- ÁVILA, J. A., RUCHERT, C.O.F.T., MEI,P.R., MARINHO, R.R., PAES, M.T.P., RAMIREZ, A.J. "Fracture toughness assessment at different temperatures and regions within a friction stirred API5L X80 steel welded plates". Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 147, p. 176–186, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.08.006.
- GABRIEL, S.B., DILLE, J., REZENDE, M.C., MEI, P.R., ALMEIDA, L.H., BALDAN, R., NUNES, C.A. "Mechanical Characterization of Ti – 12Mo – 13Nb Alloy for BiomedicalApplication Hot Swaged and Aged.". Materials Research, p. 10–14, 2015, DOI: 10.1590/1516-1439.329614.
- Alexandre Aparecido Buenos, Paulo Pereira Jr. , PauloRoberto Mei e Auteliano Antunes dos Santos - "Influence of Grain Size on the Propagation of LCR Waves in Low Carbon Steel", Journalof Nondestructive Evaluation December 2014, Volume 33,issue 4, p. 562-570,DOI 10.1007/s10921-014-0252-x.
- BROLLO, G. L. ; MEI, P. R. . "FORMATION AND REVERTION OF STRAIN INDUCED MARTENSITE ON Fe-Cr-Ni ALLOYS". REM: R. Esc. Minas, v.66(2) p 221-225, abr - jun 2013.
- CUNHA, A. P. A. ; VILLAS BÔAS, R. L. ; FONSECA, S. T. ; MEI, P. R. . "EFFECT OF MICROALLOYING ON STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF HOT ROLLED 0.5 %c STEEL". Journal of Metallurgical Engineering (ME), v. 2, n.2 p 55-60, abril 2013.
- CORTES, A. D.; SILVA, D. S.; VIANA, G. A.; MOTTA, E. F.; ZAMPIERI, P. R.; MEI, P. R.; MARQUES, F. C.. "Solar cells from upgraded metallurgical-grade silicon purified by metallurgical routes" - Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. vol 5, p. 023129, 2013.
- CHEUNG, T.; CHEUNG, N.; TOBAR, C. M. T.; MEI, P. R. e GARCIA, A. - “Zone Refining of Tin: Optmization of Zone Length by a Genetic Algorithm" - Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol 28, p. 746-752, 2013.
- GABRIEL, S. B.; PANAINO, J. V. P.; SANTOS, I. D.; ARAUJO, L. S.; MEI, P. R.; DE ALMEIDA, L. H.; NUNES, C. A.. "Characterization of a new beta titanium alloy, Ti-12Mo-3Nb, for medical applications." - Journal of Alloys and Compounds. vol 536S, p. S208-S210, 2012.
- LEITÃO, C. J. ; MEI, P. R. ; LIBARDI, R. . "EFEITOS DA CEMENTAÇÃO E DA NITRETAÇÃO NO CUSTO E NA QUALIDADE DE ENGRENAGENS PRODUZIDAS COM AÇO ABNT 4140 E 8620". Tecnol. Metal. Mater. Miner. SP, v.9 , n.3 p 257-263 , jul - set 2012.
- MEI, P. R.; MOREIRA, S. P.; CARDOSO, E.; CORTÊS, A. D. S. e MARQUES, F. C. - “Purification of metallurgical silicon by horizontal zone melting" - Journal Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol 98, p. 233-239, 2012.
- MEI, P. R.; MOREIRA, S. P.; CORTÊS, A. D. S.; SILVA, D. S. e MARQUES, F. C. - “Back Diffusion During Zone Melting of Metallurgical Silicon" - Defect and Diffusion Forum, vol 326-328, p. 43-47, 2012.
- MEI. P.; MOREIRA, S. P.; CORTES, A. D. S.; CARDOSO, E.; MARQUES, F. C.. "Determination of the effective distribution coefficient (K) for silicon impurities" - Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. vol 4, p. 043118, 2012.
- RITONI, M..; MARTINS, M.; NASCIMENTO, F.C. and MEI, P. R. "Phase Transformations on ASTM A 744 Gr. CNN3MN Superaustenitic Stainless after Heat Treatment". Defect and Diffusion Forum , vol 312-315, pp. 56-63, 2011.
- SILVA, D. S.; CORTÊS, A. D. S.; Jr. OLIVEIRA, M. H.; MOTTA, E. F.; VIANA, G. A; MEI, P. R. e MARQUES, F. C. - “Application of amorphous carbon based materials as antireflective coatings on crystalline silicon solar cells" - Journal of Applied Physics, vol 100, 2011.
Anos Anteriores
MOREIRA, S. P., BRAGA, A. F. B.; CORTES, A. D. S.; ZAMPIERI, P. R. e MEI, P. R. - “Purificação de silício por fusão zonal em forno de feixe de elétrons utilizando cadinho de cobre" - Revista Brasileira de Energia Solar, vol. 1, 2010, pp. 74-84.
SOBRAL, M. D. C.; MEI, P. R.; KESTENBACH, H. J. "Nanocarbonitride Precipitation Contribution to the Yield Stress of a V-Nb Microalloyed Steel" Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol 10, pp. 1-6, 2010.
NASCIMENTO, F. C.; BUENO, J. C., LEPIENSKI, C. M., OTUBO, J. e MEI, P. R. – “Determinação das propriedades mecânicas da martensita-e por indentação instrumentada em ligas inoxidáveis com memória de forma" REM - Revista Escola de Minas, vol. 63, n. 1, pp. 39-44, 2010.
RITONI, M. MARTINS, M. e MEI, P. R. – “Efeito do tratamento térmico de envelhecimento na microestrutura e nas propriedades de impacto do aço inoxidável superaustenítico ASTM A 744 Gr. CN3MN”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 63, n.1, pp. 21-26, 2010.
BUBANI, F. C., DECARLI, C. C. M., BROLLO, G. L., BARRETO, G. L., DINIZ, A. E. e MEI, P. R. – “Efeito da temperatura na estrutura e na estabilidade de ligas Fe - 18 Cr - (0 a 60) Ni”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 63, n.1, pp. 45-50, 2010.
BUBANI, F. C., DECARLI, C. C. M., BROLLO, G. L., BARBOSA, C. A., DINIZ, A. E., e MEI, P. R. – “Efeito da temperatura e do teor de níquel nas propriedades mecânicas e a correlação com a usinabilidade em ligas Fe-18Cr-Ni”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 63, n.1, pp. 185-190, 2010.
RITONI, M. MARTINS, M. e MEI, P. R. – “Efeito do tratamento térmico de solubilização na microestrutura e propriedades de impacto do aço inoxidável superaustenítico ASTM A 744 Gr. CN3MN”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 63, n.1, pp. 13-20, 2010.
GRAVALOS, M. T., MARTINS, M., DINIZ, A. E. e MEI, P. R. – “Influência da rugosidade superficial na resistência à corrosão por pite em peças torneadas de aço inoxidável superaustenítico”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 63, n.1, pp. 77-82, 2010.
LEITE, M. V.; FIGUEROA, C. A.; GALLO, J. C.; ROVANI, A. C.; BASSO, R.L., MEI, P. R.; BAUMVOL, I. J. e SINATORA, A. - “ Wear mechanisms and microstructure of pulsed plasma nitrided AISI H13 tool steel”. Wear (ISSN = 0043-1648), v. 269, 2010, pp. 466–472.
NASCIMENTO, F. C.; MEI, P. R. e OTUBO, J. - “Estudo do efeito memória de forma em ligas inoxidáveis usando ensaio de compressão”. REM - Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 63, n. 3, pp. 493-499, 2010.
PANAINO, J. V. P. ; BRUM, M. C. ; MEI, P. ; NUNES, C. A. ; GABRIEL, S. B. ."Produção e Caracterização da liga Ti-12Mo-3Nb para Aplicação Biomédica". Cadernos UniFOA (Impresso), v. 13, p.17-21, 2010.
LEITE, M. V.; FIGUEROA, C. A.; BAUMVOL, I. J. R.; BASSO, R. L. O.; MEI, P. R. e SINATORA, A. "Desgaste e atrito da camada nitretada do aço ABNT H13 nitretado por plasma pulsado". Tecnologia, vol. 6, n° 2, pp. 67-72, 2009.
BRAGA, A. B., MOREIRA, S. P., ZAMPIERI, P. R. e MEI, P. R. - “New Processes for the Production of Solar-Grade Polycrystalline Silicon – A Review”. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol. 92, 2008, pp. 418-424.
GORNI, A. A. e GUNDO, L. de MEI, P.R. - “Effect of controlled rolling parameters on the ageing response of an HSLA-80 steel”. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, v. 197, 2008, pp. 374-378.
OTUBO, J.; RIGO, O. D.; COELHO, A. A., MOURA NETO, C. e MEI, P.R. - “The influence of carbon and oxygen content on the martensitic transformation temperatures and enthalpies of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy”. Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 481–482, 2008, pp. 639–642.
NASCIMENTO, F. C.; MEI, P.R., CARDOSO, L. P. e OTUBO, J., “Grain size effect on the structural parameters of the stress induced eHCP-martensite in iron-based shape memory alloy”. Materials Research, vol. 11, nº 1, pp. 63-67, 2008.
RITONI, M. MARTINS, M. e MEI, P. R. – “Efeito do tratamento térmico na estrutura e nas propriedades mecânicas de um aço inoxidável superaustenítico”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, 2007 vol. 60, n° 01, jan./mar. 2007, p. 155-161.
BUBANI, F. C., DECARLI, C. C. M., MARQUES, D. C., BARBOSA., A.C., DINIZ, A. E. e MEI, P. R. – “Efeitos da adição de níquel em ligas ferro-cromo. Parte I: propriedades mecânicas”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 60, n° 01, jan./mar. 2007, p. 149-154.
MARQUES, D. C., DECARLI, C. C. M., BUBANI, F. C., BARBOSA., MEI, P. R. e DINIZ, A. E. – “Efeitos da adição de níquel em ligas ferro-cromo. Parte II: tempo de vida da ferramenta em processo de torneamento”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 60, n° 01, jan./mar. 2007, p. 71-74.
GRAVALOS, M. T., MARTINS, M., DINIZ, A. E. e MEI, P. R. – “Efeito da usinagem na estrutura e propriedades mecânicas do aço superaustenítico ASTM A351 CN3MN”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 60, n° 01, jan./mar. 2007, p. 83-88.
OTUBO, J. , MEI, P. R. , LIMA, N. B., SERNA, M.M. E GALLEGO, E. – “O efeito do tamanho de grão austenítico no número de orientações das variantes de martensita em ligas inoxidáveis com efeito de memória de forma”. REM – Revista da Escola de Minas, vol. 60, n° 01, jan./mar. 2007, p. 129-134.
OTUBO, J.; RIGO, O. D. ; MOURA NETO , C. e MEI, P.R. - “The effects of vacuum induction melting and electron beam melting techniques on the purity of NiTi shape memory alloys”. Material Science and Engineering A , 438-440, 2006, p. 679-682.
FERRANDINI, P. L., RIOS, C. T., DUTRA, A. T., JAIME, M. A., MEI, P. R. and CARAM, R. – “Solute segregation and microstructure of directionally solidified austenitic stainless steel”. Material Science and Engineering A , 435-436, 2006, p. 139-144.
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Prêmio de Reconhecimento Acadêmico Zeferino Vaz, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp |