The Impact Project is the
result of a partnership among UNICAMP (State University of Campinas), General
Motors do Brazil and Mercedes-Benz do Brazil:
The State University of Campinas (UNICAMP),
through the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
is responsible for the coordination of the activities, being engaged in designing
the underride guards, awakening government, judicial system, media and society,
and maintaining this web site. |
The crash tests were carried out at
the experimental facilities of General Motors do Brazil in Indaiatuba-Brazil.
GMB furnished also the cars used in the tests and the time and skills of its
engineers. |
Mercedes-Benz do Brazil furnished the
truck used in the crash tests and constructed the guards tested. |
Ouro Fino Auto Parts constructed one
of the guards tested. |
(former and current
members) |
Eng. Paulo Sérgio Pereira dos Santos (Mercedes-Benz
do Brazil) and Eng. Luis Otto Faber Schmutzler (Unicamp) presenting the first
underride guard designed by the Impact Project Team (the articulated guard).