Consequences: The rule making process, wherever it exists, always results in insufficient standards that do not protect occupants of light vehicles. Authorities listen only to the obstacles raised by the trucking segment. Nobody defends car riders, and when standards are issued, they are just for "fake guards," too weak and in the wrong position to protect occupants of light vehicles. In these cases, the difference between life and death, in these cases, is fully dependent on the performance of the guard. If standards for a passive safety device are for "fake guards," they are of course criminal and, without a doubt, make the related traffic authorities fully responsible under a basic rationale. How is it possible that authorities play with human lives and remains unpunished? "Science may have found a cure for most
evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all: the apathy
of human beings." (Helen Keller)
2 - Blindness
of the judicial system:
Judges do not know that true rear underride
guards could save many lives. After all, guards must protect people in
specific situations. If they don't, they are not guards, it's as simple
as that.
3 - Criminal negligence:
If a fake guard is considered by traffic authorities or by the judicial system to be a guard, they are conniving with the fraud. If it were known beforehand, they are accomplices to the crime. "The world is a dangerous place to live
in, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who watch and
let it happen." (Albert Einstein)
4 - Actual and
decisive consequences:
In the very frequent event of collisions of light vehicles with the rear of heavy vehicles, or in any other kind of rear collision, judges apply the universal jurisprudence that considers the driver of the colliding vehicle at fault. By concentrating their attention on the initial cause of the accident, they simple ignore that victims could still be alive. |