Some movies of barchans interactions (including collisions)

Assis, W.R. and Franklin, E.M., A comprehensive picture for binary interactions of subaqueous barchans. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089464, 2020
Click on the links below for movies on barchans interactions (movies freely available on the journal website)

Exchange aligned
Exchange off-centered
Merging aligned
Merging off-centered
Chasing aligned
Chasing off-centered
Fragmentation-chasing aligned
Fragmentation-chasing off-centered
Fragmentation-exchange aligned
Fragmentation-exchange off-centered

Video produced by Lauren Lipuma at AGU and uploaded on youtube (with sound, please turn on the speakers!). Complete work: Assis, W.R. and Franklin, E.M., A comprehensive picture for binary interactions of subaqueous barchans. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089464, 2020,